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16                                                                                  2  RESULTS

                For the converse, consider an arbitrary a ∈ R. In order to prove that f    −1  ((−∞, a]) ⊆ R
            is closed, consider a sequence x = (x n )      ⊆ f −1  ((−∞, a]) such that x n → γ ∈ R. Then
            f (x n ) ≤ a for each n ≥ 1. Also, x is bounded, and then by our hypothesis, there exists
            a real number α ∈ L (x) and β ∈ L (f (x)) such that f (α) ≤ β. Since x is convergent,
            then L (x) = {lim (x)}, and therefore γ = α. In particular, f (γ) ≤ β. Now observe that
            f (x) ⊆ (−∞, a], and therefore L (f (x)) ⊆ [−∞, a]. Since β ∈ L (f (x)), then β ≤ a. Since we
            already have proved that f (γ) ≤ β, then f (γ) ≤ a. Thus γ ∈ f    −1  ((−∞, a]), as needed.    □

                As a corollary of Theorem 1, we obtain the result which corresponds to the property which
            is implied by (4).

            Theorem 2. Let f : R → R be a function. Then f is upper semi-continuous if and only if it
            has the property that given any bounded sequence of real numbers x, there exist a real number
            α ∈ L (x) and β ∈ L (f (x)) such that f (α) ≥ β.

                Proof. Just observe that f has the property from the statement of Theorem 2 if and only if
            the function −f has the property from the statement of Theorem 1.           □
                As a corollary of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, we obtain the characterization of functions f
            satisfying (6).

            Theorem 3. A function f : R → R satisfies (6) for each bounded sequence x if and only if it is

                Proof. Suppose first that f is continuos on R, and consider a bounded sequence of real
            numbers x = (x n )                                                                           )
                              n≥1 . By the Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem, there exists a subsequence (x k n n≥1
                                                                                                   ) → f (α)
            and α ∈ R such that x k n  → α as n → +∞. The continuity of f at α gives then f (x k n
            as n → +∞. Thus α ∈ L (x) and f (α) ∈ L (f (x)), which gives f (α) ∈ (f (L (x)) ∩ L (f (x))) .
                Now if (6) holds for each bounded sequence x, by Theorem 1 we obtain that f is lower
            semi-continuous on R, and by Theorem 2 we obtain that f is upper semi-continuous on R, as
            well. Thus, f is continuous on R.      □
                Of course, the characterization of functions f satisfying (5), which was obtained at [1,
            Theorem 6], was both topological and related to the order relation on R; this came from the
            fact that (5) involves the topology on R and its order relation. Since (6) is related only to the
            topology of R, the characterization on f obtained at Theorem 3 is also purely topological.
                Using now Theorem 3, one can obtain different characterizations for the continuity of the
            function f obtained by comparing sets of limits of subsequences.
            Theorem 4. For a function f : R → R, the following assertions are equivalent:
            i) f is continuous on R;
            ii) For each bounded sequence x = (x n )    ⊆ R, we have that
                                                  f (L (x)) ⊆ L (f (x)) ;                                 (7)

            iii) For each bounded sequence x = (x n )    ⊆ R, we have that
                                                  L (f (x)) ⊆ f (L (x)) ;                                 (8)

            iv) For each bounded sequence x = (x n )     ⊆ R, we have that
                                                  f (L (x)) = L (f (x)) .                                 (9)
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