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            sequence x = (x n )    .) What about functions preserving limit inferior and limit superior of
            bounded sequences? This question was split into two parts in the article [1]:

                 (P 1 ): What are the functions f : R → R such that

                                             f(lim sup(x)) ≤ lim sup(f(x))                                (3)

            for each bounded sequence x = (x n )     ?
                 (P 2 ): What are the functions f : R → R such that

                                             lim sup(f(x)) ≤ f(lim sup(x))                                (4)

            for each bounded sequence x = (x n )     ?
                (Of course, analogous questions may be asked for the limit inferior as well, but their answers
            will follow immediately once the answers to (P 1 ) and (P 2 ) are obtained.) It is proved at [1,
            Theorem 3] that functions f : R → R solving (P 1 ) are exactly the lower semi-continuous ones,
            and at [1, Theorem 1] that a function f : R → R is a solution to (P 2 ) if and only if it is
            increasing and right-continuous. Combining these two results, we see that a function f : R → R
                                             f(lim sup(x)) = lim sup(f(x))                                (5)

            for each bounded sequence x = (x n )    if and only if it is continuous and increasing [1, Theorem

            2    Results

            Observe that f(lim sup(x)) belongs to f (L (x)) for each bounded sequence x. If f (x) is also
            bounded above, then the real number lim sup(f(x)) belongs to L (f(x)). Thus (5) in particular
            implies that
                                                f (L (x)) ∩ L (f (x)) ̸= Ø                                (6)

            for each bounded sequence x = (x n )       . (Let us observe that (6) also holds if we suppose
            that f(lim inf(x)) = lim inf(f(x)) for each bounded sequence x, instead of (5).) What are the
            functions f : R → R such that (6) holds for each bounded sequence x = (x n )         ⊆ R? That
            is, what are the functions f : R → R such that for each bounded sequence x there exist real
            numbers α ∈ L (x) and β ∈ L (f (x)) such that f (α) = β? As in [1], we shall split this question
            into two parts. First, observe that if (3) holds, there exist then a real number α ∈ L (x) and
            β ∈ L (f (x)) such that f (α) ≤ β. Also, if (4) holds, there exist then a real number α ∈ L (x)
            and β ∈ L (f (x)) such that f (α) ≥ β.
            Theorem 1. Let f : R → R be a function. Then f is lower semi-continuous if and only if it
            has the property that given any bounded sequence of real numbers x, there exist a real number
            α ∈ L (x) and β ∈ L (f (x)) such that f (α) ≤ β.

                Proof. One implication comes immediately from (3) and the remark preceding the statement
            of the theorem. If f is lower semi-continuous, by [1, Theorem 3] we have that (3) holds. Since
            lim sup(x) ∈ L (x) and lim sup f(x) ∈ L(f(x)), there exist the real number α = lim sup(x) ∈
            L (x) and β = lim sup f(x) ∈ L(f(x)) such that f (α) ≤ β.
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